Looking to sell your property, buy a new home, or just need some expert real estate advice?
Jason Hoffman is dynamic real estate professional specializing in residential sales throughout Southern California. With Equity Union Real Estate, Jason offers a wealth of knowledge and experience to every transaction, ensuring each sale and listing receives unparalleled attention.
With a proven track record of superior client service, Jason is dedicated to helping clients achieve their real estate goals. His expertise spans single-family homes, condominiums, income properties and land sales. Jason's mission is to craft personalized real estate solutions for clients, whether they're first-time buyers, seasoned sellers, or savvy investors. For exceptional service and results, reach out to Jason Hoffman at 818-641-4661. Your real estate success starts here.
Professional Info
Primary Office
16820 Ventura Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 91436
CA 01706690
20 years experience
Service Areas
*Sales data is calculated based on transaction information available to Agent Pronto at the time of publishing and may not accurately reflect all transactions for a given agent.